
We encourage you to make a one-time donation and if you can, subscribe to monthly or yearly membership of Black Muslim Forum.

The money raised will go towards the sustainability of Black Muslim Forum and cover project costs & staff costs in order to expand our campaigns, projects and services.

If you believe in our mission and would like to help support our supplementary school, our events and campaigns please subscribe to monthly or yearly membership of Black Muslim Forum.

Membership will mean you will receive a bi-annual progress newsletter on organisational activities and events as well as being the first to receive news on organisational opportunities and vacancies.


If you are not making a one-time donation and are purchasing monthly or yearly membership, please apply for Student/Low waged, Adult Waged or Organisational membership below.


Make a suggested one-time donation to Black Muslim Forum.

Make a suggested monthly donation for Student/Low Waged membership (£3 p/m) or Adult Waged membership (£12 p/m) or Organisational Membership (£25 p/m). Alternatively enter a custom amount to be paid monthly for your membership.

Make a suggested yearly donation for Student/Low Waged membership (£30) or Adult Waged membership (£132) or Organisational membership (£275). Alternatively enter a custom amount for your membership.

Choose a suggested amount


Or enter a custom amount


Your contribution is appreciated. Thank you for helping us to promote Black dignity and support Black Muslims.

Your contribution is appreciated. Thank you for helping us to promote Black dignity and support Black Muslims.

Your contribution is appreciated. Thank you for helping us to promote Black dignity and support Black Muslims.

DonateDonate monthlyDonate yearly

***Please note the reference on your bank statement will read WPMEM followed by a series of letters and numbers. This is the payment for Black Muslim Forum. Also please note that a small amount of the total donation will go towards the website host.